My next project to launch is So far, I have been really excited about this site. The main purpose of the site is to show someone how to not only build a great blog that will keep people coming back from day to day, but also how to make a bit of money on the way doing it. One could say, Louis, that’s just another one of the thousands of “make money online” type of blogs.
You would be right.
However, in the clutter of the “make money online” niche, I feel that I do have a unique approach on how to go about setting myself apart from the rest of the herd. Plus, how can I throw away such a great domain name that I have been patiently waiting to buy for most of 2008.
The problem that has kept me from really pushing out the last 10% of development left before launch is, right now, I feel the Internet is in a transitional phase.
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